Currently, two Meifu Shinkage Ryu dojos are actively operating in Estonia: VK Budokan Mitsubachi
Dojo (Meifu Shinkage Ryu Estonia Tallinn branch) and Sengetsu Dojo (Meifu Shinkage Ryu Estonia Saku
branch). Both dojos conduct their training in sports halls located at Saku 8 in Tallinn.
When a new Meifu Shinkage Ryu training group is established, it is initially designated as KEIKOKAI
(practice group). If the instructor of the KEIKOKAI or any of its members achieves the rank of
Shodan (1st Dan), the dojo is then officially recognized as a BRANCH. From the Shodan level onwards,
a student has the right to administer exams, provided they have written permission from the Soke.
The validation of keikokai and branch takes place twice a year, during which the Soke issues a
written authorization for each group to continue their activities.